DIP: Assignment 1

Placements see individual students take part in a project running at a commercial or public sector organisation. On successful completion of this placement, the student should be able to:

  1. Demonstrate that they can contribute to the activities of a small group, usually in the commercial sector
  2. Critically evaluate personal experience in addressing problems and suggesting potential solutions
  3. Construct a multimodal presentation communicating these critical reflections
  4. Identify the potential for a project for follow up in dissertation phase

The placement is assessed via a presentation addressing these points. The presentation is expected to take place in Week 2 of Semester 1; this date will be confirmed before the beginning of the semester. This presentation is an opportunity for each individual to reflect on what they have learned so far, and on how well their group functioned, specifying which aspects of its activity were successful, and which less so. The presentation should synthesise the student's reflections and identify which skills and strategies they need to develop further. To prepare for this presentation, students are expected to submit a draft document addressing the points above.

Your task in Assignment 1 (draft):

  1. Identify and summarise the project you are undertaking, and its context within the organization where your placement is held.
  2. Identify and summarise strong and weak points in project progress, including the technical skills you have used or developed.
  3. Identify and summarise strong and weak points in group activities, including the inter-personal skills you have used or developed.
  4. Indicate whether you believe that a dissertation project could be based on your placement work, or whether you would prefer to take up a different topic.

Your draft document should be no more than 1,500 to 2,000 words in length. There is no limit on the number of images/illustrations/videos you may include. The document should include sections addressing each of (1) to (4), above.


  1. Written feedback on the draft report is discussed at the next available office hour with the course organiser.
  2. Based on this draft, and following the placement, the final version of the accessible personal reflection will compiled for academic assessment at the beginning of the next academic year.
  3. The reflection will be presented to a small audience in a Reflection Presentation, on or around Week 2 of Semester 1 (Year 2).

This form of assessment recognises that placement projects with external hosts may not succeed as planned, for reasons beyond the student's control. A reflective analysis provides the means for all students to submit a report whose assessment is not tied to the success or failure of the placement projects themselves.

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