Ten Things you need to know about Computer Programming 1/ Programming for Music Technology 1

Lectures are at:
2:00 pm on Mondays in Forest Hill D2;
11:10 am on Tuesdays in Appleton Tower 2.12;
11:10 am on Thursdays in Appleton Tower, 2.12.

Special lab on Monday 27th September on level 5 of Appleton Tower. Do not miss it!

Practical Assignments are due on the Mondays of weeks 3, 5, 8 and 11. Late work is not accepted.

CP1 students need to achieve at least 25% in the practical work, 35% in the exam and 40% overall to pass the course.

For CP1 students, the overall mark is 75% exam and 25% practical work.

Everything you need to know should be on the course web page at
http://www.inf.ed.ac.uk/teaching/courses/cp1. .

That's letter 'c', letter 'p' numeral '1' wherever you see it.

You can mail the course organiser at cp1co@inf.ed.ac.uk; we will mail you at your SMS account.

Spare lecture notes are available from level 3 of Appleton Tower (if leftover), or from the web page.

Not everything is in the lecture notes.

Home : Teaching : Courses : Cp1 

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