For each of the questions, you will need to start with the original copy of 'a' or 'M' Manipulating Vectors 1. a([3 6 9]) = []; or a(3:3:length(a)) = []; 2. a(3:3:length(a)) = 3:3:length(a); 3. a(a<0) = 0; 4. a(a<0) = a(a<0) * -2; 5. sum(a>0); 6. a' * a; Manipulating Matrices 1. M(2:2:length(M), : ) = []; 2. M(:, [5 10]) = 0; 3. M - diag(diag(M)); 4. M - diag(diag(M)) + 5 * eye(length(M)); 5. M + diag(diag(M)); 6. tril(M); 7. tril(M) + tril(M)' - diag(diag(M)); 8. max(M, [], 2) or max(M')' (max normally operates over columns, rather than rows) 9. sum( M(diag(M)>0, : ) ); Matrix Operations 1. M1 - rotation 90 degrees anticlockwise M2 - reflection in the line y=x M3 - stretch x-axis by 3 M4 - project onto the y-axis 2. It's a rotation of 90 degrees clockwise. If you reflect in the line y=x, then rotate 90 degrees anticlockwise, then reflect agin in y=x, this is the result. 3. [ 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 ] 4. A 2x2 matrix with every element 1/sqrt(2)