CDI1: Assignment 2

How would you do it differently?

Each of the students pursuing the degree in Advanced Design Informatics has spent the summer working on placement in the commercial or public sector. Each is also currently undertaking a dissertation project.

During the seminar block in the middle of the course, these students will have introduced an existing informatics-centric system which may be related to their placement activity or dissertation research.

Your task in Assignment 2:
  1. Consider these propositions.
  2. Consider the design guidelines - and previous work - discussed in the lectures so far.
  3. Write a proposal describing how you would re-design the system introduced by your tutor.
  4. You should consider both what might be possible, in the longer term, and what would be possible in the short term, given the tutor's system as your starting point.
  5. Your proposal should be no more than 4,000 words in length. There is no limit on the number of images/illustrations/videos you may include. The proposal should include references to relevant literature; design sketches; and a plan indicating how you would evaluate your new design, if it were implemented.

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