Abstract: The ACL2 theorem prover is an automatic theorem prover for Common Lisp, developed by Matt Kaufmann and the author. It is the most recent of a series of Boyer-Moore provers starting with the Edinburgh Pure Lisp Theorem Prover in the early 1970s. ACL2 has seen sustained industrial use since the mid 1990s by companies including AMD, Centaur Technology, IBM, Intel, Kestrel Institute, Motorola/Freescale, Oracle, and Rockwell Collins. Among the strengths of ACL2 that make it well-suited for certain industrial applications is that it supports an ANSI standard programming language as its logic, models built with ACL2 are efficiently executed (so they can be used as prototypes and simulation engines), and the prover can be configured to be fully automatic. This talk presents ACL2 through a graduated series of examples that illustrate the evolving strengths of the Boyer-Moore provers over their 45 year history and the requirements of industrial applications.