Accelerated Natural Language Processing

Reading List

Much of the course assumes you are familiar with the mathematical notation and concepts covered by the tutorials on the following page. If you are not, you should plan to work through them in the first two weeks of class.

The course will use the following textbook:

We will also use some sections of the following textbook, which goes into more depth but does not cover all the topics we want. The link to the online version works only from inside the University network, or through VPN. The following papers serve as background and/or supplementary reading for specific topics:

Supplementary materials for tagging and parsing

Edinburgh's Informatics 2a course covers some of the same material as this course, but from a different perspective. In particular, lectures 15-27 cover HMMs, grammars and parsing algorithms, and semantic parsing. Be aware that the course is aimed at computer scientists and the first part of the course is about formal language theory, so some topics are explained in that context.

Supplementary materials for Python programming

For more practice with programming, consider going through an online Python tutorial, such as the one from CodeAcademy.

If you are already fluent in one or more programming languages, but not in Python, probably the best way to pick up what you need to know is by going through the official Python tutorial

Supplementary materials for Linguistics

For those wanting additional background reading on basic linguistics topics, there are several textbooks available from the library, including the following:

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