Univ. of Edinburgh crest

Accelerated Natural Language Processing 2016

Lecture 15: Probabilistic CF-PSGs, best-first parsing

Henry S. Thompson
[never in 2018?]

The realities of PCFG parsing

Before we look more closely at some of the in-principle problems with massive PCFGs

  • Such as we get in the case of built-from-treebanks grammars

We'll look at some practical difficulties

Multiple tags per terminal (word)

  • Plus 100s, if not 1000s, of rules for some non-terminals (categories)

Means 100s of thousands of edges in a probabilistic chart parser

If we're working with spoken language, the numbers are even worse

  • As there will be multiple alternative hypotheses about the words in the utterance
  • "people can easily recognise speech"
  • "people can easily wreck a nice beach"

Finding all the parse trees, so that you are sure to find the best, is often therefore out of the question

  • Charniak reports, for instance, that getting 95% of the way to finding all parses
  • Of a 30-word sentence from the Brown corpus
  • With a PCFG constructed from the Brown corpus
  • Took 130,000 edges

More recent experiments

  • with highly optimised representations of the parse trees
  • required 24 gigabytes of storage to hold complete sets of parses

Best-first? Not so fast. . .

So although what I said yesterday is true in principle

  • That is, that maintaining an ordered edge queue makes a chart parser best-first
  • In practice the cost of doing so is very high
    • Prohibitively high for broad-coverage probabilistic grammars
  • Because it turns into breadth-first search across all possible parses constructed left-to-right

Why is this?

  • In the first instance, because of the product of probabilities problem

Multiplying probabilities

. . . produces small numbers quickly

So short analyses are almost always are more probable than long ones

  • And shallow ones are more probable than deep ones

Consider the trivial case of the three word phrase "the men "

  • Here are the MLE estimates of eight relevant probabilities
    • Taken from NLTK
  • DT → 'the'  0.49455
  • JJ → 'the'  0.0008570
  • NNS → 'men'  0.001653
  • NP-SBJ → DT NNS  0.017011
  • NP-SBJ → JJ NNS  0.010468
  • VBD → 'came'  0.006901
  • VP → VBD  0.002619
  • S → NP-SBJ VP  0.39202

And here are the costs (that is -log2(prob))

  • DT → 'the'  1.02
  • JJ → 'the'  10.19
  • NNS → 'men'  9.24
  • NP-SBJ → DT NNS  5.88
  • NP-SBJ → JJ NNS  6.58
  • VBD → 'came'  7.18
  • VP → VBD  8.58
  • S → NP-SBJ VP  1.35

It turns out that even though analysing 'the' as DT is 500 times more likely than analysing it as JJ

  • We'll still keep taking both analyses forward through a best-first parse to the very end

Here are the two key subtrees, with their accumulated costs:

  • tree for [NP-SBJ [JJ the][NNS men]] with cost 10.19 + 9.24 + 6.58 = 26.01
  • tree for [S [NP-SBJ [DT the][NNS men]][VP [VBD came]]] with cost 33.25, NP-SBJ cost 16.14

Even though the 'wrong' NP-SBJ has much higher cost that the 'right' one

  • the extra consitutent cost for the whole 'right' sentence is even higher
  • so the 'wrong' NP-SBJ will be added to the chart before the 'right' S
  • and quite possibly before many other 'wrong' partial analyses based on it

Ordering the agenda: details

What we've been using to order the agenda is called the inside probability

  • In practice, the inside cost
subtree for X inside larger tree for S
  • That is, the probability for some node X that it expands to cover what it covers
  • P(NT→*wi...wj|NT)
  • It's also helpful to define the notion of outside probability:
    • The probability that the rest of the tree is what it is
    • P(S→*w1...wi-1Xwj+1...wn)

Using the inner probability to sort the agenda will clearly prefer smaller trees

  • We need to introduce some kind of normalisation to avoid this
  • Understanding as we do so that we may thereby put at risk our goal of getting the best parse first

Figures of merit

The name for what we're looking for is a figure of merit

  • That is, some non-decreasing measure of (partial) subtree cost

There are lots of possibilities

  • Of which most obvious is also the simplest
  • Inner cost, normalised by word span

This would clearly have the desired effect in our worked example above

  • The cost of the first inactive NP-SBJ edge is divided in half
    • From 16.14 to 8.07
    • Thereby ensuring that it will be processed before the implausible 'the'-as-adjective hypothesis

Note that normalising in the cost domain uses the arithmetic mean

  • because we've been summing costs

In the probability domain, we use the geometric mean

  • because we've been multiplying probabilities

Using the left half of the outer cost as well improves performance further

  • In principle
  • But in practice takes too much time to compute

See Caraballo and Charniak 1996 for the details

Beam search

Even with a good figure of merit, our chart will still grow very large

  • If we pursue every hypothesis, no matter how expensive

So standard practice is to prune the agenda

  • That is, set a maximum number of edges we will hold
  • Or a maximum delta between the best and worst that we will hold

The result is called beam search

  • And the relevant parameter the beam width

Whenever the agenda is full

  • that is, has the number of entries specified by the beam width
  • and we need to insert an edge

There are two possibilities (ignoring ties)

  • If the new edge is more expensive than the most expensive edge in the agenda
    • We discard the new edge
  • Otherwise we discard the current most expensive edge
    • and insert the new edge at its appropriate place in the agenda