Advanced Interactive Learning Environments UG4/MSc 2011-2012


 Last updated: 1st March 2012

1. Syllabus

The issues addressed will include the following:
Previous development of teaching systems and limitations; adaptivity in relation to the domain and the learner;
Methodology: empirically informed and user centred design; involving students and teachers in the design process;
Modelling and simulating domain knowledge;
Modelling the user: diagnosis, errors and misconceptions; modelling affect;
Pedagogical Issues: theoretical and educational basis of teaching tools; using Pedagogical Agents;
Models of interaction and communication; Educational dialogue;
Evaluating the design and effectiveness of educational software.


Course material can basically be divided into:

material -  these will comprise:
  1. the content of the lectures
  2. the content of the seminars
  3. you will expected to know about a number of core systems - these include those covered in the seminars and others as indicated
  4. Required Reading that may be set each week
It will be assumed that you have read this material.

B.     USEFUL BACKGROUND material. This will be indicated as Background Reading, and  should help improve your understanding overall, and will provide additional examples. This will also include reference to other systems in addition to those indicated as 'core'.

OTHER MATERIALS: this will be links to various resources, references cited in lectures and other relevant literature.



There is a recent textbook that covers a lot of material relevant to this course:

Woolf, B. P. (2009), Building Intelligent Interactive Tutors: Student-centered strategies for revolutionizing e-learning, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers/Elsevier.

This gives background to many systems and techniques used in Artificial Intelligence and Education. It is a good starting point for researching previous work in the field.

Another more recent text is:

Nkambou, R., Mizoguchi, R. and Bourdeau, J. (editors)  (2010) Advances in Intelligent Tutoring Systems (Studies in
            Computational Intelligence)

Two earlier texts that provide good summaries of classic systems are:

Sleeman, D. & Brown, J.S. (eds.) (1982), Intelligent Tutoring Systems, Academic Press.

Wenger, E. (1987) Artificial intelligence and tutoring systems: computational and cognitive approaches to the communication of knowledge. San Francisco: Morgan Kaufmann.

Three reports written for the UK’s TLRP Technology Enhanced Learning – AIED Theme. May 2011.

Underwood, J.  and Luckin, R. (2011) What is AIED and why does Education need it?
Available from:

Underwood, J.  and Luckin, R. (2011)
Themes and trends in AIED research, 2000 to 2010
Available from:

Underwood, J.  and Luckin, R. (2011) Supporting Integration, Synthesis, Uptake & Reuse of AIED Research
(all accessed 10/2/2012)

Useful overview papers are:

Joseph Beck, Mia Stern, and Erik Haugsjaa (2001). Applications of AI in Education, ACM 
    Crossroads Student Magazine, Fall 1996, 3.1, Issue on Artificial Intelligence. online at

Du Boulay, B. and Luckin, R. (2001) Modelling human teaching tactics and strategies for tutoring systems.International Journal of         Artificial Intelligence in Education, 12(3):235-256, 2001.  See this paper also fo referencs from the lecture. Available as:


Some other useful links: 

The International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education (IJAIED) is the official journal of the International AIED Society. IJAIED publishes papers and other items concerned with the application of artificial intelligence techniques and concepts to the design of systems to support learning.

The main conferences in the area are the AIED conference and the ITS conference - see the papers form these (usually published by Springer) for the most recent work in the area. Other organisations that have journals and conferences of interest include User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization, and Educational Data Mining. Also see the International Society of the Learning Sciences which has various affiliated journals and conferences as Computer Supported Collaborative Learning, and Learning Sciences.

LearnLab: Pittsburgh Science of Learning Center (PSLC)
"Learnlab is a facility designed to dramatically increase the ease and speed with which learning researchers can create the rigorous, theory-based experiments that pave the way to an understanding of robust learning. Run jointly by Carnegie Mellon University and the University of Pittsburgh, LearnLab makes use of advanced technologies to facilitate the design of experiments that combine the realism of classroom field studies and the rigor of controlled theory-based laboratory studies. PSLC's LearnLab is a national resource for learning research that includes: ________________________________________________


1. Adventure Author

See the Adventure Author homepage:

For various papers see:

Goolnik, S., Robertson, J. and Good, J. (2006)
. Learner Centred Design in the Adventure Author Project, International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education, 16, 381-413. available from                               
McFarlane, A., Sparrowhawk, A. and Heald, Y. (2002) The role of games in education, A research report to the DfES,    
Robertson, J., & Good, J. (2003).
Using a Collaborative Virtual Role-Play Environment to Foster Characterisation in Stories. Journal     of Interactive Learning Research, 14(1), 5-29.                     
Robertson, J., & Good, J. (2005a).
Story creation in virtual game worlds. Communications of ACM, 48, 61-65.
Robertson, J., & Good, J. (2005b)
. Adventure Author: An Authoring Tool for 3D Virtual Reality Story Construction. Proceedings of the     AIED-05 Workshop on Narrative Learning Environments, pp. 63-69
Robertson, J., & Good, J. (2005c) Children's Narrative Development Through Computer Game Authoring. TechTrends, Volume 49         (5), pp. 43-59.
Robertson, J. and Howells, C. (2008). Computer Game Design: Opportunities for Successful Learning.Computers & Education 50         (2008) 559–578
Robertson, J., & Oberlander, J. (2002). Ghostwriter: drama in a virtual environment. Journal of Computer Mediated  Communication.     8(1).th Retrieved 14 February 2006

2.  Affective learning Companion (group 3)

For an overview see:

For more details on the Learning Companion and related references see:

3.   Ambient Wood

For a general project description see:

Rogers, Y., Price, S., Harris, E., Phelps, T., Underwood, M., Wilde, D. & Smith, H. (2002) Learning through digitally-augmented physical experiences: Reflections on the Ambient Wood project. (Equator working paper)
for this paper see under 2002

This list of publications includes the following references, but also those of other projects.

Several of direct relevance (though there may be some overlap within them) are:
Randell, C., Price, S., Rogers, Y., Harris, E., & Fitzpatrick, G. (2004). The Ambient Horn: designing a novel audio-based learning experience. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 8(3-4), 144-161.

Price, S., & Randell, C. (2004) Ambient Sounds in the Woods. Position paper presented at Mobile HCI 2004, 6th International Symposium, Glasgow, UK, September 13-16

Rogers, Y., Price, S., Fitzpatrick, G., Fleck, R., Harris, E., Smith, H., Randell, C., Muller, H., O'Malley, C., Stanton, D., Thompson, M., & Weal, M. (2004). Ambient wood: designing new forms of digital augmentation for learning outdoors. In Proceedings of 2004 conference on Interaction design and children: building a community (IDC 2004), Maryland, USA, June 1-3, 3-10.

Rogers, Y., & Price, S. (2004). Extending and Augmenting Scientific Enquiry through Pervasive Learning Environments. Children Youth and Environments, 14(2), 67-83.

Harris, E., Fitzpatrick, G., Rogers, Y., Price, S., Phelps, T., & Randell, C. (2004). From snark to park: lessons learnt moving pervasive experiences from indoors to outdoors. In Proceedings of 5th Australasian User Interface Conference, Dunedin, New Zealand, 39-48.

4. The ANDES tutor: 

The Andes project homepage

VanLehn, K., Lynch, C., Schulze, K., Shapiro, J.A., Shelby, R., Taylor, L., Treacy, D., Weinstein, A., and Wintersgill, M. (2005).  The Andes Physics Tutoring System: Lessons Learned.     International Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Education, 15 (3).

Vanlehn, K., Lynch, C., Schulze, K., Shapiro, J. A., Shelby, R. H., Taylor, L., Treacy, D. J., Weinstein, A., and Wintersgill, M. C. (2005).    The Andes physics tutoring system: Five years of evaluations.   In:  G. I. McCalla and C.-K. Looi (Eds.), Proceedings of the Artificial Intelligence in Education Conference . Amsterdam: IOS.

VanLehn, K., Bhembe, D., Chi, M., Lynch, C., Schulze, K., Shelby, R., Taylor, L., Treacy, D., Weinstein, A., & Wintersgill, M. (2004) . Implicit versus explicit learning of strategies in a non-procedural cognitive skill.  In: Lester, J.C., Vicari, R.M., Paraguacu, F. (Eds.),  7th Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems, Berlin: Springer, pages 521-530.

Conati, C., Gertner, A., & VanLehn, K. (2002).  Using Bayesian networks to manage uncertainly in student modeling. User Modeling &User-Adapted Interaction, 12(4), 371-417.  Winner of the 2002 James R. Chen Award for best article of the year.

VanLehn, K, Lynch, C., Taylor, L., Weinstein, A., Shelby, R., Schulze, K., Treacy, D. & Wintersgill, M. (2002) Minimally invasive tutoring of complex physics problem solving.  In: Cerri, SA, Gouarderes, G, Paraguacu, F (Eds.) Intelligent Tutoring Systems, 2002, 6th International Conference, Berlin: Springer, pages 367-376

5. animalwatch 

For an overview of Animalwatch see:

Various papers are in the list of publications on Carole Beal's publications page:

In particular see:
Cohen, P. R., Beal, C. R., & Adams, N. M. (2008). The design, deployment and evaluation of the AnimalWatch
intelligent tutoring system. Accepted for presentation at the 5th Prestigious Applications of Intelligent Systems
(PAIS) conference, July 21-25, Patras Greece.

Beal, C. R., Arroyo, I., Cohen, P. R., & Woolf, B. P. (2010). Evaluation of AnimalWatch: An intelligent tutoring system for arithmetic and fractions. Journal of Interactive Online Learning, 9, 64-77.

6. AutoTutor Emotions

For an overview see:
This has a link to: 

The relevant papers referenced are available as pdfs from:
In particular see papers jointly authored with Sidney D'Mello.

There is a demo of the ARIES system (teaching scientific enquiry)  that Autotuto Emotions augments at:

7.  Crystal Island - outbreak

See webpages of project,  and the list of publications.
Also pages of project members: Jonathan Rowe,,  James Lester and  for papers. In particular see:
Jonathan Rowe, Lucy Shores, Bradford Mott, and James Lester. Integrating Learning and Engagement in Narrative-Centered Learning Environments. In Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, pp. 166-177, 2010.

Jonathan Rowe, Bradford Mott, Scott McQuiggan, Jennifer Robison, Sunyoung Lee, and James Lester (2009)
. Crystal Island: A Narrative-Centered Learning Environment for Eighth Grade Microbiology. In Proceedings of the AIED'09 Workshop on Intelligent Educational Games, Brighton, UK, 2009. [pdf]

Crystal Island Videos:


8. GEOMETRY EXPLANATION TUTOR: (Aleven's publications page)

Roll, I., Aleven, V., McLaren, B., & Koedinger, K. (2007). Designing for metacognition – applying Cognitive Tutor principles to metacognitive tutoring. Metacognition and Learning, 2(2-3), 125-140.

Aleven V., Popescu, O., Ogan, A. & Koedinger, K. R. (2003). A Formative Classroom Evaluation of a Tutorial Dialogue System that Supports Self-Explanation.  In V. Aleven, U. Hoppe, J. Kay, R. Mizoguchi, H.Pain, F. Verdejo, & K. Yacef (Eds.), Supplemental Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education, AIED2003, Volume VI: Workshop on Tutorial Dialogue Systems: with a view toward the classroom (pp. 345-355). School of Information Technologies, University of Sydney.
available from:

Octav Popescu, Vincent Aleven, Kenneth Koedinger (2003). A Knowledge-based Approach to Understanding Students' Explanations. In V. Aleven, U. Hoppe, J. Kay, R. Mizoguchi, H.Pain, F. Verdejo, & K. Yacef (Eds.), Supplemental Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education, AIED2003, Volume VI: Workshop on Tutorial Dialogue Systems: with a view toward the classroom. School of Information Technologies, University of Sydney.
available from:

Aleven V. & Koedinger, K. R. (2001). Investigations into Help Seeking and Learning with a Cognitive Tutor. In R. Luckin (Ed.), Papers of the AIED-2001 Workshop on Help Provision and Help Seeking in Interactive Learning Environments (pp. 47-58). Available via   see Programme for pdf of paper.

A general paper as background to the Carnegie-Mellon Tutors is:

9. PATSy

A good starting point for the PATSy project is:

Various publications can be found at:

More detail about PATSy can be found at

10.   REDEEM 

REDEEM: Creating Reusable Intelligent Tutoring Systems
For a general description see:

See Shaaron Ainsworth's publications page for relevant papers:

11. SAM: virtual peers and autism

See the work of Justine Cassell at  Northwestern University  on Story-Listening systems for Children. In particular see her work on authorable virtual peers in relation to Innovative Technologies for Autism
Publications are listed at  but you will need to see which are most relevant.


SimForrest: see
** Tom Murray, Larry Winship, Roger Bellin, Matt Cornell (2001). Toward Glass Box Educational Simulations: Reifying Models for Inspection and Design. AIED-2001 workshop: External  Representations in AIED. (extended version)
** Murray, T. (2004). Classroom Strategies for Simulation-Based Collaborative Inquiry Learning.  (Extended version) Proceedings of ICLS-2004, San Mateo, June, 2004.
Ester Shartar,  Scientific Inquiry What is it?(


Standup Project: see

14. Tactical Language and culture training systems

For an overview of the work of Lewis Johnson and Alelo Inc. see
in particular,  and

This has a link to:  which has a number of relevant papers. There are also a number of videos on youtube, including:

Alelo's Virtual Cultural Awareness Trainer (VCAT)

Alelo's Virtual Role Players (VRP) for Bohemia's VBS2 Mission Rehearsal software

15. Teachable agents

For the the work of Daniel Schwartz and the Teachable Agents group at Stanford University see

and  Gautam Biswas  at Vanderbilt University (see Betty’s Brain and other teachable agents )


Vicarious Learning Project: see


There are relevant sections that refer to LOGO, Sophie, Guidon, Quest, Envision, Qualitative Process Theory, Lisp Tutor, BUGGY/DEBUGGY/IDEBUGGY, WEST, Steamer, Scholar, Sophie, WHY, MenoTutor and Cognitive Apprenticeship in:

Sleeman, D. & Brown, J.S. (eds.) (1982),
Intelligent Tutoring Systems, Academic Press.

Wenger, E. (1987)
Artificial intelligence and tutoring systems: computational and cognitive approaches to the communication of knowledge. San Francisco: Morgan Kaufmann.

They are also discussed at various points in: Woolf, B. P. (2009), Building Intelligent Interactive Tutors: Student-centered strategies for revolutionizing e-learning, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers/Elsevier.

Other papers that describe classic research in this area are:

Anderson, J. R., Farrell, R., and Sauers, R. (1984).
Learning to program in LISP. Cognitive Science, 8, 87-129.
Anderson, J. R. and Reiser, B. J. (1985).
The LISP tutor. BYTE, 10(4):159–175.
Anderson, J.R., Boyle,F.B., Farrell,R. and Reiser, B.J. (1987),
Cognitive Principles in the Design of Computer Tutors, Chapter 4 of Morris. P. (ed.) Modelling Cognition. Wiley.
Anderson, J. R., Corbett, A. T., Koedinger, K. R., and Pelletier, R. (1995). Cognitive tutors: Lessons learned. The Journal of the Learning Sciences, 4(2):167–207.
Brown, J. S. and R. Burton (1975) Multiple Representations of Knowledge for Tutorial Reasoning in D. G. Bobrow and A. M. Collins (Eds.), Representation & Understanding: Studies in Cognitive Science, New York: Academic Press, 1975.
Brown, J.S. , R. Burton, A. Bell, (1975) SOPHIE: A Step Toward Creating a Reactive Learning Environment,  International Journal of  Man-Machine Studies, Vol. 7.
Brown, J.S. and R.R.Burton, (1978) Diagnostic models for procedural bugs in basic mathematical skills, Cognitive Science, 2, pp.155-192
Brown, J.S. & VanLehn, K. (1980).
Repair theory: A generative theory of bugs in procedural skills. Cognitive Science, 4, 379-426.
Brown, J.S., R. R. Burton and J. de Kleer (1982) Pedagogical, Natural Language and Knowledge Engineering Techniques in Sophie I, II, and III,  in D. Sleeman and J. S. Brown (Eds.), Intelligent Tutoring Systems, London, England: Academic Press.
Burton, R.R. (1982) Diagnosing bugs in a simple procedural skill, in (eds.) D.Sleeman and J.S.Brown,  Intelligent Tutoring Systems, Academic Press, pp.157-184.
Burton, R.R. and Brown, J.S., (1976) A Tutoring and Student Modeling Paradigm for Gaming Environments, Proceedings for the  Symposium on Computer Science and Education, Anaheim, CA, February 1976.
Burton,R.R. and Brown, J.S., (1979) An Investigation of Computer Coaching for Informal Learning Activities, International Journal of  Man-Machine Studies, Vol. 11, January 1979.
Burton,R.R. and Brown, J.S., (1982)
An investigation of computer coaching for informal learning activities, in Sleeman, D.H.  and Brown, J.S. (eds),  Intelligent Tutoring Systems, 79-98, London: Academic Press.
Carbonell, J. R. (1970). AI in CAI: An artificial intelligence approach to computer-assisted instruction. IEEE Transactions on   Man-Machine Systems, 11(4), 190-202.
Clancey, W.J, (1979). Transfer of Rule-Based Expertise through a Tuturial Dialogue. Doctoral dissertation, Stanford University.  STAN-CS-769.
Clancey, W.J. (1982) Tutoring Rules for Guiding a Case Method Dialogue, Intelligent Tutoring Systems edited by Sleeman, D. & Brown, J.S., Academic Press.
Clancey, W.J.  (1983) GUIDON, Journal of Computer Based Instruction, 10:(1+2) 8-15.
Clancey, W. J. (1986a). From Guidon to Neomycin and Heracles in twenty short lessons. AI Magazine, 7(3), 40-60.
Clancey,W. J. (1986b) Qualitative Student Models', in First Annual Review of Computer Science, ACM, pp. 381-450.
Clancey,W. J. (1987) Knowledge-based Tutoring: The GUIDON Program, MIT Press.
Coller, L. D., Pizzini, Q. A., Wogulis, J., Munro, A. and Towne, D. M. (1991) Direct manipulation authoring of instruction in a model-based graphical environment. In L.  Birnbaum (Ed.), The International Conference on the Learning Sciences:  Proceedings of the 1991 conference, Evanston, Illinois: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education.
Collins, A., Warnock, E. H., Aiello, N., and Miller, M. L. (1975). Reasoning from incomplete knowledge. In Bobrow, D. G. and Collins, A., editors,Representation and Understanding, pages 383–415. Academic Press, New York.
Collins, A., Brown, J.S. & Newman, S.E. (1986) Cognitive Apprenticeship: Teaching the Craft of Reading, Writing, and Mathematics BBN Technical Report No. 6459 BBN Laboratories Incorporated, Cambridge, Mass. and in Resnick, L.B. (ed.), Knowing, Learning and Instruction: Essays in honour of Robert Glaser, LEA, 1989.
Collins, A. and Brown, J. S. (1988).
The computer as a tool for learning through reflection. In Mandl, H. and Lesgold, A., editors, Learning Issues for Intelligent Tutoring Systems, pages 1–18. Springer- Verlag, New York.
Collins, A. and Stevens, A. L. (1991).
A cognitive theory of inquiry teaching. In Goodyear, P., editor, Teaching Knowledge and  Intelligent Tutoring, pages 203–230. Ablex Publishing Corporation, Norwood, New Jersey.
Corbett, A.T. and Anderson, J.R., (1990) The Effect of Feedback Control on Learning to Program with the Lisp Tutor, Proceedings of the 12th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, LEA, New Jersey, 1990
Corbett , A. &  Anderson, J. (1992).
LISP intelligent tutoring system: Research in skill acquisition. In J. H. Larkin and R. W. Chabay, editors,Computer-Assisted Instruction and Intelligent Tutoring Systems: Shared Goals and Complementary Approaches, pages 73-109. Lawrence Erlbaum
Forbus, K. (1984), Qualitative process theory. Artificial Intelligence, 24, pp 85-168.
de Kleer, J . and Brown, J . (1984) A qualitative physics based on confluences, Artificial Intelligence, 24.
de Kleer, J. and Brown, J.S. (1992). Model-based Diagnosis in SOPHIE III, Readings in Model-based Diagnosis, Hamscher, Walter;  Console, Luca; de Kleer, Johan, (Eds.). San Mateo: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers; pp. 179 - 205.
Elsom-Cook, M. (1990)
Guided Discovery Tutoring: A Framework for ICAI Research, Paul Chapman Publishing. 
Feurzeig, W., Papert, S., Bloom, M., Grant, R., & Solomon, C. (1969) Programming language as a conceptual framework for  teaching mathematics: final report on the first fifteen months of the Logo Project, submitted to the U.S. National Science Foundation, Bolt, Beranek & Newman Inc. Report # 1889, November 30, 1969. Cambridge, MA: Bolt Beranek and Newman.
Hartley, J.R. and  Sleeman, D. H. (l973). Towards more intelligent teaching systems, Int. J. of Man-Machine Studies, 5, pp.2l5-236.
Hollan, J., Hutchins, E., and Weitzman, L. (1984). STEAMER: An interactive inspectable simulation-based training system. AI Magazine, 5, 2, 15-27.
Ohlsson, S. (1986)
Some principles of intelligent tutoring, Instructional Science, 14, 293-326.
Ohlsson, S. (1987). Some principles of intelligent tutoring.
In Lawler, R. W. and Yazdani, M., editors, Learning Environments and Tutoring Systems: Learning Environments and Tutoring Systems, volume 1, pages 203–237. Ablex Publishing, Norwood, New Jersey.
Richer, M. and Clancey, W.J. (1985) GUIDON-WATCH: A graphic interface for viewing a knowledge-based system. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 5(11):51-64. Also STAN-CS-85-1068, KSL 85-20.
Shortliffe, E.H. (1976)
Computer-Based  Medical  Consultations:  MYCIN. New York: American Elsevier.
Shute, V. J., and Psotka, J. (1994). Intelligent Tutoring Systems: Past, Present and Future. In D. Jonassen (Ed.), Handbook of  Research on Educational Communications and Technology, Scholastic Publications.
Stevens, A.L. & Collins, A (1977) The Goal Structure of a Socratic Tutor BBN Technical Report No. 3518, Bolt Beranek and Newman     Inc., Cambridge, Mass.
VanLehn, K. (1987).
Learning one subprocedure per lesson. Artificial Intelligence, 31(1):1–40.
Towne, D. M. and Munro, A.  (1988) The intelligent maintenance training system. In J. Psotka, L. D. Massey, and S. A. Mutter (Eds.),  Intelligent tutoring systems: Lessons learned, pp 478-530. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum, 1988.
Towne, D. M. and Munro, A.  (1991) Simulation-based instruction of technical skills.  Human Factors, 33, 325-341.
Towne, D. M. and Munro, A. (1992) Two approaches to simulation composition for training. In M. Farr and J. Psotka (Eds.),  Intelligent     instruction by computer: Theory and practice. London: Taylor and Francis, 1992.
VanLehn,K. (1987) Learning one sub-procedure per lesson, Artificial Intelligence, 31, 1, pp.1-40.
White, B. Y., & Frederiksen, J. R. (1986). Progressions of quantitative models as a foundation for intelligent learning environments.  Technical Report # 6277, BBN.
White, B. and Frederiksen, J. (1987) Qualitative Models and Intelligent Learning Environments, in Lawler, R. and Yazdani, M. (eds.),  Artificial Intelligence and Education (vol. 1): Learning Environments and Tutoring Systems, Academic Press.
Woolf, B.P. and McDonald, D.D (1984). Context-dependent transitions in tutoring discourse. Proceedings of the National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Austin, Texas, pp.355-361.
Woolf, B.P., Blegen, D., Jansen, J.H., and Verloop, A.,
Teaching a Complex Industrial Process, Proceedings of the National  Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Philadelphia, Vol. II, 1986, pp.  722-728. [Recovery Boiler Tutor]
Woolf, B.P. (1988)
Representing Complex Knowledge in an Intelligent Machine Tutor, in Artificial and Human Learning,  edited by Self, J., Chapman and Hall Computing.



Example from CBBC Schools: Alien Cookbook - teaches numeracy (5 to 7 year olds)




Conlon, T. & Pain, H. (1996). Persistent Collaboration: A Methodology for Applied AIED.   Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education,     Vol 7 No. 3/4 219-252.
Conlon, T. (1999). Alternatives to Rules for Knowledge-based Modelling. Instructional Science Vol 27 No 6, pp 403-430.

Conlon, T. & Bowman, N. (1995). Expert Systems, Shells, and Schools: Present Practice,  Future Prospects. Instructional Science,     23, 111
Conlon, T. (1995). Automated Analysis for Knowledge Based Modelling, Workshop on Automated Program Analysis, Vanneste, P.;         Bertels, K.; De Decker, B. (eds.) AACE, Washington, DC, pp 31-37
Cox, R. and Brna, P. (1995). Supporting the use of external representations in problem solving: the need for flexible learning   
    environments. Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education, 6(2/3).
de Vicente, A., Pain, H. (2002)
Informing the detection of the students' motivational state: an empirical study. In S. A. Cerri, G. 
    Gouarderes, F. Paraguacu, editors, Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems, volume 2363     of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 933-943, Berlin. Heidelberg. Springer.
Hartley, J.R. and  Sleeman, D. H. (l973). Towards more intelligent teaching systems, Int. J. of Man-Machine Studies, 5, pp.2l5-236.
Hix, D. and Hartson, H. R. (1993). Developing User Interfaces: Ensuring Usability through Product & Process. New York, John Wiley     and Sons
Cercone, N., and McCalla, G. (1987) What is Knowledge Representation. The Knowledge Frontier: Essays in the Representation of         Knowledge. N. Cercone and G. McCalla (eds), Springer-Verlag, 1-43.
Porayska-Pomsta, K. and Pain, H. (2004). Providing Cognitive and Affective Scaffolding Through Teaching Strategies: Applying       
    Linguistic Politeness to the Educational Context. Intelligent Tutoring Systems 2004: 77-86
TLRP Vicar project



Shaaron Ainsworth 2003 tutorial slides:

Ainsworth (2003): Tutorial on Evaluation Methods for Learning Environments, presented at the AIED 2003 conference.
Dix, A., Finlay, J., Abowd, G. and Beale, R. (2004). Evaluation Techniques. Chapter 9 of:  Human-Computer Interaction, (3rd edition)     Pearson/Prentice Hall, Harlow, England. pp 318-364

Ainsworth, S. E., Bibby, P., & Wood, D. (2002).
Examining the effects of different multiple representational systems in learning                 primary mathematics. Journal of the Learning Sciences, 11(1), 25-61.
Ainsworth, S. E., & Grimshaw, S. K. (2002).
Are ITSs created with the REDEEM authoring tool more effective than "dumb"                     courseware? In S. A. Cerri & G. Gouard�res & F. Paragua�u (Eds.), 6th International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems          (pp. 883-892). Berlin: Springer-Verlag.
Ainsworth, S. E., Wood, D., & O'Malley, C. (1998).
There is more than one way to solve a problem: Evaluating a learning environment     that supports the development of children's multiplication skills. Learning and Instruction, 8(2), 141-157.
Arroyo, I., Beck, J. E., Woolf, B. P., Beal, C. R., & Schultz, K. (2000).
Macroadapting animalwatch to gender and cognitive                     differences with respect to hint interactivity and symbolism. In G. Gauthier & C. Frasson & K. VanLehn (Eds.), Intelligent Tutoring         Systems: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference ITS 2000 (Vol. 1839, pp. 574-583). Berlin: Springer-Verlag.
Cohen, P. (1995)
Empirical Methods for Artificial Intelligence, MIT Press, 1995.
Conlon, T. and Pain, H. (1996).
Persistent collaboration: a methodology for applied AIED, Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education,     7, 219-252.
Corbett, A.T. and Anderson, J.R., (1990)
The Effect of Feedback Control on Learning to Program with the Lisp Tutor, Proceedings of     the 12th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, LEA, New Jersey, 1990
Corbett , A. &  Anderson, J. (1992).
LISP intelligent tutoring system: Research in skill acquisition. In J. H. Larkin and R. W. Chabay,     editors,Computer-Assisted Instruction and Intelligent Tutoring Systems: Shared Goals and Complementary Approaches, pages             73-109. Lawrence Erlbaum
Cox, R., & Brna, P. (1995).
Supporting the use of external representations in problem solving: The need for flexible learning                     environments. Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education, 6((2/3)), 239-302.
Koedinger, K. R., Anderson, J. R., Hadley, W. H., & Mark, M. A. (1997). Intelligent tutoring goes to school in the big city. International     Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education, 8, 30-43.
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Other possibly useful references:  TO BE UPDATED:

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Wood, D. J., Underwood, J. D. M., & Avis, P. (1999). Integrated Learning Systems in the Classroom. Computers and Education, 33(2/3), 91-108

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