AdAPTIVE Learning Environments UG4/MSc 2011-2012

Assessed assignment 2

You should spend about 12 hours on each assignment  (maximum 16 hours). Coursework accounts for 30% of the credit available, the examination is worth 70%. Two coursework assignments are set for 4th year students and three for MSc/MINF students.

The deadline for submission is:
now Monday 12th March

Submit the assignment either by hand to the ITO office, or using the submit program (the latter is preferred).

   submit  ale1 2 filename-of-your-submission.pdf

where 2 is the assignment number. In the latter case your submission should be a .pdf file.

The second assignment is to write an essay based on a small  review of related literature, covering c.3 to 5 papers (you may use more papers if you wish, but are not required to in this case).  You should not spend more than 16 hours on this assignment. Your report should be at least 4 pages (c. 2,000 words) long. You should choose  one of the following questions to address.  In each case a number of relevant researchers are named to help with your research - note these are just examples - you can choose to use these or others.

a. What is the role of Affect and Motivation in Adaptive Learning Environments?

b. What is the role of Participatory Design in Adaptive Learning Environments?
and see International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education, 16/4, 2005/6, Special Issue on "Learner Centred Methods for Designing Intelligent Learning Environments". Note that "learner centred design" here means design that is learner centred,i.e. involving the participation of learners and other stakeholders (e.g. teachers) in the design process. Not to be confused with systems that are learner centred in their approach to teaching (hence preferring the term "participatory design" here).

c. What is the role of Game-Based Learning in Adaptive Learning Environments?

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