Artificial Intelligence 2 Module 3: Module Description

Aims and Objectives

The module covers two related areas: Learning from Data and Coping with Incomplete Knowledge. The aim is to give a first introduction to these areas as well as introduce general techniques that are used within the areas.


Intellectual Skills Development

This module develops two complementary aspects often needed in AI: modelling of problems or situations and developing algorithmic ideas for solving them. Both aspects are treated in the two areas. The techniques are general and should be useful in other contexts as well.


There will be 18 lectures and 5 tutorials devoted to the module.


Examination questions in the final AI2Bh exam based on this module.
There will be two assignments based on this module.


The material lends itself to mathematical presentation at some points. Where appropriate relevant background will be covered in lectures.


(***)    Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig, "Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach", Second Edition, Prentice Hall, 2002.
This page is maintained by the course lecturer, Jacques Fleuriot, Room 3.07 Appleton Tower (

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