Artificial Intelligence 2 Module 1: Module Description

Aims and objectives

The aim of this module is to cover some basic methods used by AI problem solving systems. It illustrates the importance of (a) analysing a problem so as to exploit constraints and (b) considering how the way that a problem is represented affects the nature of any search problem that arises. As well as providing this general background, the module introduces specific techniques for avoiding/limiting the inefficiency of naive uninformed search, including memoisation/dynamic programming, constraint propagation, constraint logic programming and stochastic methods. These are illustrated with examples from various different areas of AI research.

The module refers to some extent to material on search, logic and Prolog from AI1, but revisits this material from a different point of view and develops the ideas further.


The module's material divides up into the consideration of two different tasks:

Task 1: Using Constraints to Solve Problems

The emphasis here is on using problem constraints to avoid doing search. We consider how important it is to decompose problems into appropriate subproblems. Dynamic Programming is illustrated using a stereo computer vision problem. The general notion of a Constraint Satisfaction Problem is introduced, and Constraint Propagation techniques are illustrated through work on Machine Vision. Mechanisms in Prolog (including some simple Constraint Logic Programming techniques) which can be useful for exploiting problem constraints are introduced.

Task 2: Solving Problems by Other Means

Here the "other means" are mainly search methods of one form or another. We consider what search spaces can be like and how they can be visualised, as well as briefly surveying a range of search algorithms and some of their relevant properties. We take logical reasoning as a major example, motivating the tasks of testing validity and satisfiability. We see how different logical formalisations give rise to different kinds of search spaces. For satisfiability, we see that relatively recent stochastic techniques (GSAT) are now competing with older systematic search procedures. This leads to a consideration of stochastic search methods in general.

Intellectual skills development

This module attempts to make students think more carefully about how they choose to represent problems, about the complexity of different solution approaches and how serious search problems can be tamed. Although it does present some particular techniques that students are expected to absorb, much of the material (e.g. the presentation of different rules of inference for logic) is really aimed to show that there are alternative possibilities and that it is necessary to think carefully before adopting any particular approach. The module shows Prolog programming techniques being used for more advanced tasks than were considered in AI1 and exercises these techniques in the assigned work.


There are 14 lectures in two parts (7 each task) and five tutorials. The exercises set for the tutorials intentionally cover more than can necessarily be treated directly in the tutorials, and students are expected to spend some time on these exercises outside of the tutorials themselves.


There is one piece of assessed work for each of the two tasks described above. Each assignment has the same value. The assignments are due:
  1. Assignment 1 Constraints: Friday 4pm, week 4 semester 1 (Oct 15)
  2. Assignment 2 Search: Friday 4pm, week 7 semester 1 (November 5)
There will also be a section in the AI2Ah exam based on material of this module. Note that there is a demonstrator (Aroosha Laghaee - who can help answer questions about prolog and the coursework. You can see her Prolog revision tutorial notes here.


Students should be familiar with basic material on knowledge representation and inference (particularly, facts and rules) and search, as is taught in AI1. Although this background will be reinforced by the material of this module, nevertheless it will be presupposed to such an extent that a student without it could get into difficulties. Students should be able to program in Prolog at the level expected at the end of AI1.


There is no single textbook that covers all of this material really well. The following has material for some parts and is worth acquiring because it is useful also for other AI courses. A list of sources of background reading is distributed to the students.

Russell, S. and Norvig, P., "Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach", Prentice Hall, 1995.

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