Artificial Life Programme Seminar

Richard Brown,
"Biotica: Emergence, Artificial Life, Art and Interactive Installations"

Thursday 19 May 2005
Conference Suite*
4 Buccleuch Place


A presentation on interactive installations that explore emergent simulations through "Art as a Mode of Enquiry", a research methodology carried out in Interaction Design at the Royal College of Art. I will discuss the perception and interaction of emergence and complexity and the production of interactive real-time 3D simulations that utilise gesture as a means creating immersive engagement. The talk will be supported by images, video and programs of three installations - Alembic, Biotica and the Mimetic Starfish.

* to get to the Conference Suite, enter at main door at 2 Buccleuch Place from the street, and climb the stairs to the first floor. Enter through the door on the right towards the general office. Go down the internal stairs next to the general office, turn left down the long corridor on the ground floor until you reach an entrance hall. Go down the stairs to your left to the basement and follow the signs to the conference suite.

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