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Title:Ontology, Knowledge Management, Knowledge Engineering and the ACM Classification Scheme
Authors: John Kingston
Date:Dec 2002
Publication Title:Proceedings of ES02, the 22nd Annual International Conference of the British Computer Society's Specialist Group on Artificial Intelligence
Publication Type:Conference Paper
The purpose of this paper is to test the theory of multiple perspectives being necessary for completeness in ontologies by applying it to the task of placing knowledge management and knowledge engineering within the ACM classification scheme. The thesis of this paper is that a multi-perspective analysis of the ACM classification scheme, along with a published extension for AI subjects, should demonstrate some of the principles on which the classification is based, and therefore help in deciding where knowledge management and knowledge engineering (and knowledge acquisition) should appear in the classification. Some implications for ontology building are discussed.
2003 by The University of Edinburgh. All Rights Reserved
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Bibtex format
author = { John Kingston },
title = {Ontology, Knowledge Management, Knowledge Engineering and the ACM Classification Scheme},
book title = {Proceedings of ES02, the 22nd Annual International Conference of the British Computer Society's Specialist Group on Artificial Intelligence},
year = 2002,
month = {Dec},

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