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Title:Limited Media Interface for AI Planning System
Authors: Alexander Nixon ; John Levine ; Austin Tate
Date:Dec 2000
Publication Title:PLANSIG 2000
This paper is concerned with the implementation of a mobile telephone interface onto the existing AIAI hierarchical planner O-Plan, and the investigation into how to maximise the usability of this limited media interface, with minimum loss of content. The resulting WOPlan (Wireless O-Plan) interface was developed as a Java Servlet application which communicates with the O-Plan system and serves WML (Wireless Mark-up Language) pages to a WML-enabled mobile telephone. One interesting result of the WOPlan project was the development of a plan execution facility, whereby the user is presented with an ordered list of executable actions dependent on what actions have been executed so far. Another interesting result was the insight that the reduction of any graphical interface onto a limited medium may be a useful exercise in its own right, in that it necessitates the prioritisation of functional elements of that interface. We will discuss the design of the WOPlan system and assess its usability. Additionally we will give suggestions for improvements and for real-world applications.
2002 by The University of Edinburgh. All Rights Reserved
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Bibtex format
author = { Alexander Nixon and John Levine and Austin Tate },
title = {Limited Media Interface for AI Planning System},
year = 2000,
month = {Dec},

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