Informatics Approach to RAE-2008 Preparations

In order to minimise the amount of busy-work and time-wasting associated with RAE 2008 preparations, we need to see it as an opportunity, not a burden. For instance,

  1. Rather than invent new, one-off mechanisms, solely for RAE purposes, we should reuse and extend existing mechanisms, or, if there are no suitable existing mechanisms, we should invent new mechanisms that will be of long-term benefit.
  2. Where important, but non-urgent, tasks are being neglected to our detriment, we should use the RAE to raise their priority.
Here are some examples. If anyone has ideas of how we can exploit additional win-win examples of this kind, I would be happy to hear about them.

For a variety of pragmatic reasons, having a few large research groups is optimal in an RAE submission. Panels will tolerate quite loose groupings, as long as there is some reality to them. Our six research institutes provide exactly the right level of granularity and community, so we will use them as the basis of our 2008 submission.

However, it is appropriate to have some sub-group structure beneath the institute level. For many kinds of information gathering, it is the research sub-group that is the most appropriate source. I am identifying leaders of Informatics research sub-groups within each of our research institutes, and intend to ask for their help in the RAE 2008 preparations. Here are some of the areas I intend to ask them to help me with.

I welcome suggestions for improving our RAE preparations and for using RAE 2008 as an opportunity rather than a burden.

Alan Bundy
Last modified: Fri Nov 26 14:23:00 GMT 2004