Possible RAE Impact Indicators

In presenting our RAE 2008 case, it is not enough just to say what kind of research we do, we have to focus on the impact of that work, i.e. we have to show that it has made a difference. I intend that our RAE 5(a), or equivalent, will be focussed around indicators of that impact. I will be asking leaders of Informatics research groups to provide examples of the impact of the research of their group. This document gives some exemplars of impact indicators. The impact can be either on the research community or via applications of the research. In some cases there will be overlap with the indicators of personal esteem, which are also part of an RAE submission. Like the esteem indicators, the operative period of the impact indicator should overlap with the RAE census period of 1.1.01-31.10.07.

Here are some exemplar impact indicators. I'd welcome suggestions for others.

Alan Bundy
Last modified: Tue Dec 14 10:19:09 GMT 2004